Saturday, January 8, 2011

'Cosmopolis' is Robert Pattinson's Chance for Mega Stardom

Robert Pat­tin­son has been given his chance to expand his fan base and vault him­self into the realm of such great actors as Johnny Depp and Tom Cruise. By replac­ing Colin Far­rell in the movie Cos­mopo­lis Rob Pat­tin­son now has a film that can help him make the tran­si­tion from a heart­throb in fan­tasy films to a seri­ous actor in a block­buster film.

Cos­mopo­lis is a film based on the book writ­ten by Don DeLillo. The movie is about the story of Eric Packer, a 28 year old multi-billionaire asset man­ager who makes an odyssey across mid­town Man­hat­tan in order to get a hair­cut. Dur­ing the course of the day Parker ends up bet­ting his entire for­tune in the mar­ket against the Yen and ends up in trou­ble with peo­ple gun­ning for him. The plot takes place dur­ing one days time.
Pat­tin­son will star in the movie with Mar­ion Cott­ti­lard and Paul Giamati.

This is a great oppor­tu­nity for Robert Pat­tin­son to show that he is more than just a pretty face that can act in a fan­tasy film. I under­stand that Pat­tin­son is also set to star in Water for Ele­phants, and that film, with a good per­for­mance, could advance his career as well, but to be the star of an action/thriller film could do more for his career. He has already shown that he can play a sen­si­tive char­ac­ter with a love inter­est in the Twi­light films so Water for Ele­phants won’t give us too much more of an insight into his act­ing abil­ity, but if he can pull off being the star of an action/thriller then the sky is the limit for Pat­tin­son because it means he could act in any movie regard­less of char­ac­ter or plot.

MetroWNY| via RPAustralia

1 comment:

  1. Sooo excited about this movie!! :) Bring it on. ;)
